Why is eating enough PROTEIN important for health & weight loss?

The Basics

So let’s start with answering what exactly is Protein? And why does is seem SO important in the health & fitness industry?

Protein is a macronutrient and macronutrients are nutrients that provide our bodies energy aka calories to live and thrive! Protein specifically has 4 calories per gram, which is why something like egg whites which is 25g of protein per cup, will be 100 calories for that cup. Because 4×25=100

Many of our bodies cells & muscles are made up of proteins. This is why when they are damaged (like when sick or when exercised) it’s important to replenish them so that our damaged cells & muscles can be repaired. The fact that help build and repair muscles is the main reason the fitness industry is so hyped on it!

How Much Do We Need for Health?

Even for those who aren’t into fitness, protein is an essential nutrient so the USDA protein recommendations are .7g per lb of body of body weight on the average adult individual because of proteins important role in cell functions which also aids in us making sure we feel our best by being able to grow and fight off illness. Ex: 150 lb individual should be consuming at least 105g of protein.

For those who strength train, the recommendation for fitness coaches varies because more muscle fibers are being constantly broken down when working out so they more protein is needed to help repair those. The recommendation for fit individuals can vary with 1g per lb of body weight to 1g per lb of lean body mass(meaning weight that isn’t fat). The latter is more meant for those who have a higher BF% and will likely find it too difficult to hit a protein goal in grams of their weight. As a macro coach, I will typically go between these 2 numbers based on an individuals exercise routine and lifestyle but I almost always make sure to have someone’s macro set at .7g per lb of body weight. Ex: 130 lb fit individual would have maybe 120-130g of protein goal.

The exception would be for those who may have a higher body weight and are used to consuming very little protein. If I have a client who is over 200 lbs, .7g would be 140g of protein but they may only be used to having 70g/day. I would then likely set their goal around 100g and then try to build from there.

Why Is It Important for Weight Loss?

Besides repairing cells, protein is important because of how slowly it is broken down/digested in the body which leads to us feeling satiated longer than if we just had a meal without it.

Think: Have you ever had a high carb meal or snack (ex: bagel, donut, oatmeal, pasta, pizza, bean & rice burrito, ice cream, candy, etc.) and felt hungry an hour or two later? Try pairing any of those examples with a serving of lean protein and see how much longer you feel full!

Knowing that protein helps with staying fuller longer, directly aids in weight loss because it can make being in a calorie deficit more manageable. A calorie deficit is when you are focusing on consuming less calories than your body is expending which means that it will burn off fat/weight to use as energy vs calories that we consume. And I should note that when excess calories are consumed then they are stored as body fat OR muscle if you are strength training.

So we can understand that being in a calorie deficit is necessary for fat loss BUT being in a deficit can be hard! Because being hungry can make us have little energy and for real weight loss results, staying in a deficit for an extended period of time (at least 4 weeks) if needed. But if you’re feeling constantly hungry then it can make seem impossible to be able to stick to a lower calorie intake. BUT this is why protein is important! Like I noted above, protein is SO satiating! So adding a serving (20-30g) at each snack or meal can make sticking with lower calories feel much easier because you won’t feel as hungry.

Ok, but what about Fat Loss?

Sticking to a calorie deficit is NEEDED for weight loss, and if you have a adequate protein intake then you can be more sure that any weight lost is fat vs lean muscle. This is VERY important because the more muscle you have, the leaner you will look(regardless of the scale) AND the more calories you will be able to burn throughout the day because muscle is takes more calories to maintain than fat.

Protein Examples:

Chicken Breast, Lean Steak, Pork Tenderloin, Turkey Breast, White Fish, Canned Tuna in Water, Egg Whites, NF Greek Yogurt, NF Cottage Cheese, Protein Powder

Vegan Options: Lentils, Edamame, Tofu, Chickpeas

Protein Ideas:

Here’s some posts I have on way & yummy ways to get in protein! Tap the photo to head to the original instagram post for more tasty protein deets!

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Need help with reaching your fitness goals with enjoyment and balance from a Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist? Check out my Coaching Services which range from me just setting up what your protein needs are with a Macro Calculation and training programs to macros with meal ideas to more in-depth 1:1 Coaching that involves 24/7 email access to me and weekly check-ins.

*This post was created by Ashley Cates who is not a Registered Dietician or a Medical Professional, nothing said should be taken as medical advice or replace any advice given by a Physician. This information does not in any way intend to diagnose or treat any health condition/disorder. The information provided is based on Ashley’s education and experience.