I know majority of people follow me for yummy, easy, and macro friendly recipes. And also for how I preach that you can truly enjoy all the foods you LOVE and still reach your fitness and health goals!
This is because I really do believe in this approach and I am passionate about it because as I’ve previously shared, I dealt with a lot of restrictive eating a few years ago and had a terrible and internally lonely holiday season. And I just don’t want that for anyone!
But sometimes I think trying to make sure we enjoy all foods or when we work on feeling more balanced with food, then we can maybe put too much pressure on the “fun” of the holidays being just about the food! BUT this is NOT how it should be!
And I had a BIG kind of smack in the face of this this past weekend!
My Personal Story
If you’ve been following me on Instagram I shared about how I went to Mexico for my birthday and had a fabulous time! When we were traveling home, I was having some digestion issues and abdominal pain that I thought was just from traveling and also it being my TOM so I ignored it. Once home, I went back to eat nutrient dense and protein packed foods.
A few days after being home I was still having abdominal pain so I went to the doctor and she told me my digestive system was likely stressed out from travel, weather change(we went from hot to cold), and TOM, so that I should cut back on protein, fat, and fiber for 2 weeks…I almost laughed.
The doctor was telling me to CUT OUT protein and vegetables! This is the base of my diet! LOL She was telling me to just eat carbs. As a nutritionist, I questioned her that I would be missing out on micronutrients but she reminded me that if my body doesn’t feel good and isn’t functioning properly then I’m not going to be able to absorb the micronutrients anyways and my quality of life and happiness will be effected.
So, I did what she said for 3 days and felt fine. I had a Christmas dinner play event on Friday and thought I was fine to eat a normal meal…this was a BIG mistake!
After only having bread and crackers for 3 days, at the dinner play I had what would be normal portions for me of cheesy potatoes, buttered green beans, ham, and brisket…and all the fat and protein was way too much too quickly for my body and I had the most INTENSE stomach pains and belly swelling I have ever experienced.
It was so painful it forced me to tears and I had to leave the event because I could barely walk or talk with the pain. I was SOOOO embarrassed and upset that I had to leave play before it was over (along with others) and felt like I ruined the night for not just myself but for everyone ๐
Next Day’s Realization
I went home, drank some magnesium tea and 7-up and went to bed and woke up feeling MUCH better! The belly swelling was gone though my stomach still felt tender but I started crying upon waking up because I was so frustrated about the night before (Friday) AND I had my Boyfriend’s Work Holiday Party to go to that night(Saturday)!
This would be the 8th time I would be going with him, and it’s such a fun night every year! He asked me if I thought I was going to be ok to go and at first I said if I did that I wouldn’t be able to eat or drink anything and I thought that would make me too uncomfortable.

BUT an hour and a half later I had the realization that I was physically feeling fine and that it was the rich foods that would just change that. I realized that I felt fine and capable to go and that if I didn’t, it would literally be for the reason that I just couldn’t eat the regular dinner.
I realized I could go and have bread and water and focus on the COMPANY (aka the MOST important part of the Holidays!!) and still have a good time!
So that’s what I did! I had water and 3 dinner rolls and when dinner was served I just ate bread and while I internally felt awkward…NO ONE SAID ANYTHING!! I thought I would be questioned by his co-workers (we were sitting with 10 people) but either no one noticed or no one cared.
I ALMOST didn’t go because I thought I that I would feel too awkward or uncomfortable for not eating or drinking, but no one cared and once I was there conversing with everyone and having a good time, then the food really did seem like such a miniature part of the night.

I am SO grateful to God for pushing me to go as I know I would have been more depressed and upset sitting at home and missing it.
And after the party we went to a bar and I was able to have wine and feel ok!! So I think my tummy is making baby steps to getting back to normal ๐
I’m currently still focusing on lower than my normal protein, fat, and fiber, but slowly trying to integrate more and taking anti-gas and anti-acid chewables. I am hoping what’s going on with my stomach will pass soon as I am back home and relaxed after travel, and also my TOM is finishing. Though if not, then I may need to explore other possible causes ๐ but I’ll keep you guys updated on that.
My Big Takeaway
The Holidays are NOT about the food! I can’t believe I almost missed a wonderful night because I thought I would be judged or feel uncomfortable for not eating! The Holidays are about the people! They can often be a time that we get to see people we normally don’t, and the conversations and memories made with these people IS what brings so much joy to this season!
Of course I still love the food so I’m hoping I can enjoy some soon! But it’s truly not only about the food or the gifts! It’s about the love we have for each other and also the love God has for us by gifting us His Son <3
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*This post was created by Ashley Cates who is not a Registered Dietician or a Medical Professional, nothing said should be taken as medical advice or replace any advice given by a Physician. This information does not in any way intend to diagnose or treat any health condition/disorder. The information provided is based on Ashleyโs education and experience.