15 Easy & Macro Friendly Holiday Party Dishes

Thanksgiving, Christmas, Friendsgiving, Friendsmas, Hannukah, Kwanza, Fall/Winter Bdays, Work Potlucks, New Years Eve…there’s A LOT going on at the end of the year with parties with friends and family which makes it a SUPER special time!

Most of these are a potluck type of events which can be GREAT for making a dish to share as well as try some new things yourself! Potluck type of events can be a little nerve wracking for those tracking macros because it’s hard to know exactly what to track but guesstimating can be better than nothing (check out below for tracking with your hands tips) or also trying a more mindful eating approach at certain events can be great too!

And if you’re stuck on what to bring that is going to be a crowd pleaser AND be something great for your macros, then try out one of these dishes below! Tap the pics to head to the more detailed recipe!

Savory Dishes/Sides

A easy & cheesy side that can please even those who don’t like veggies!

EASY 1 pan dish! Prep ahead of time & then reheat at 375 for 20 minutes

Great a for easy ways to add in all the traditional Thanksgiving sides!

GARLIC ROASTED ACORN SQUASH! Another super yummy fall side!


Not traditional but something easy to make in advance and then serve in a crockpot at the party!

Soups can be GREAT for parties because some (like this one) actually taste great chilled! Check out my 10 Fit Fall Soup Recipes here!

Cranberry Turkey Meatballs and Roasted Veggies! 1 Pan Meal that makes 4 meals! Great for Meal Prep or dishes to bring to parties!

Low Carb Shepherd’s Pie! Such a warm & tasty dish baked casserole style so it’s great for a party!

Chicken Zucchini Meatballs are another easy & tasty app you have! The zucchini keeps them SO moist so you don’t even need a sauce! Though you could pair them pasta if you wanted!


Have a “Build Your Own Pie” party by bringing these Personal Pie Crusts & a couple different toppings! Or prep these ahead of time to bring since they’re no bake (besides the S’mores)

LOW CALORIE BLUEBERRY CHEESECAKE! Traditional cheesecake is the best/worth because it’s SOOO good but also so high calorie 🙁 Try this alternative with TOFU to satisfy a cheesecake craving without overdoing it on the calories.

100 CALORIE CUPCAKES! So easy to make & such a a crowd pleaser!

Holiday Meringue Cookies! So tasty & crunchy & just 5 ingredients (plus sprinkles 😉 ) to make!

Macro Friendly Peanut Butter Cups are SO easy to make with just two ingredients and they’re low in fat! Plus homemade treats are always a win!

Holiday Party Hand Tracking Tips

Check out these posts for easy ways to track at Holiday parties!

Did you find this post helpful? Comment below or contact me

Need help with reaching your fitness goals while enjoying the holidays with balance? Check out my coaching services which range from me setting up custom Macros and Training Programs to Macros with Meal Ideas to more in-depth 1:1 Coaching that involves 24/7 email access to me and weekly check-ins.

*This post was created by Ashley Cates who is not a Registered Dietician or a Medical Professional, nothing said should be taken as medical advice or replace any advice given by a Physician. This information does not in any way intend to diagnose or treat any health condition/disorder. The information provided is based on Ashley’s education and experience. This information is shared with the intent to be helpful.