10 Minute (OR LESS!) Meal Preps

Think you can prep for a delicious and fueling week unless you spend hours in the kitchen?? I promise meal preps can be EASY, QUICK, & MACRO FRIENDLY! Below are some of my favorites!

Be sure to tag me on Instagram @sweat.love.and.macros if you have any of these meal prep! Or email me at sweatlovemacros@gmail.com your thoughts and pics!

Get the Full Burrito Bowl Meal Prep here!

Get the Full Sandwich with Chocolate Meal Prep here!

Get the full deets on this simple lunch here!

Salmon Burger Meal deets here!

Get Full Deets here!

Full Meal Prep Deets here!

Get the full deets on this Pork Pepper Meal Prep here!

Get the full Rainbow Snack Box Meal Prep Deets here!

Get these Picnic Lunch deets here!

Feeling overwhelmed with how to properly shop or what macros are best for your fitness and health goals? Check out my Macro Calculation with Optional Meal Ideas services in which I’ll calculate your macros and give optional meal ideas with food quantities that fit YOUR macros! I’ll have you fill out a “Food Faves” List (which this Macro Balanced Grocery List was adapted from) which lets me know all the type of foods YOU enjoy so that I can make 50+ Meal Ideas for you! This can mean not even needing to track macros at all, since you will be given a complete list of multiple options for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snack(s)! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if you’re interested in receiving Nutrition and/or Personal Training Guidance!

5 Keeping Fit Party Tips

Heading to a BBQ/Party? Maybe you’re feeling a little stressed that you won’t be able to enjoy yourself while staying on track with your fitness goals 🙁 BUT I promise you CAN 🙂 It just takes some balance & moderation, Babes!

The tips below are what I do for most parties & what I advise for my clients to do too! It all comes down to bringing &/or having foods you know fuel your goals (veggies, lean protein, & water) & then being picky with what “fun foods” you want to enjoy!

Some people would rather have a couple drinks while others would rather have potato salad & a cupcake! We’re practicing flexible dieting so whatever YOUR “fun foods” preference is then have it😘

Besides following moderation so that you don’t go over on your calorie/macro goals, following these tips will just help with you feeling your best vs stuffed with a tummy ache from too much party food😣

And if you think it might be weird to bring lean protein or veggies to a party, I’m pretty sure it’s NOT weird but it’s a nice friendly gesture! And setting an example about caring for your health & balance is pretty cool in my book!

TIP #1

TIP #2

TIP #3

TIP #4

TIP #5

Struggling to meet your fitness goals while keeping up with your social life? Let me help! Check out my coaching services which range from me just setting up macros and training programs to macros with meal ideas to more in-depth one-on-one coaching that involves weekly check-ins with optional phone calls.

*This post was created by Ashley Cates who is not a Registered Dietician or a Medical Professional, nothing said should be taken as medical advice or replace any advice given by a Physician. This information does not in any way intend to diagnose or treat any health condition/disorder. The information provided is based on Ashley’s education and experience.

Low Calorie Party Drinks

Whether it’s a party, event, or dinner out, as social 21+ adults, it’s normal to want to enjoy a alcohol beverage!

I know many can get anxiety about hanging out with friends when trying to be fit and healthy but I promise that you don’t have to! Like I preach about all foods ALL DRINKS can be enjoyed without it deterring your fitness goals if it’s done in responsible moderation!

I talk a lot about the 80/20 rule with Nutrition in which I think true balanced health can be achieved with consuming 80% nutrient dense foods and 20% fun foods. Alcohol has no nutrient value so it would be in the “fun” category, so for most this means enjoying 1-2 low calorie drinks! For me, this is plenty to enjoy a social event and stay on track with my fitness and health goals!

Here’s a list of some of my FAVORITE Low Calorie Drinks I like to enjoy when socializing! Be sure to scroll to the bottom of this post to learn how to correctly track alcohol!


At about 125 calories per 5 oz glass, any type of wine is a great low calorie drink option!


These are SO popular right now and there’s SOOO many great flavors and with most being 90-100 calories these are a great low cal drink!


If you like volume eating then light beer is kind of like a “volume” drink LOL 16 oz light beer (1 pint) is about 125 calories! I’ll choose this often at bars or sports games because it will last much longer than a cocktail!


Below I’ve listed some of my favorite cocktail recipes! Some other great low calorie mixed drinks are:

-Whiskey Diet

-Vodka Water or Tonic

-Tequila with Lime Juice


Did you know alcohol is actually a macronutrient?! Because it’s SO energy dense with 7 calories per gram, it is considered a macronutrient BUT because it has no nutrient value and is not needed for survival, then it is not included when tracking macros. So how do you correctly track alcohol calories?

You would simply take the calories & divide by 4 to then account for these drink calories as carb calories OR divide by 9 to count them as fats

100 calorie drink/4=25 (so you would subtract 25g of carbs from your macros to account for this drink)

100 calorie drink/7=14.2 (so you would subtract 14.2g of fats from your macros to account for this drink)

You could also do a combo of both! 9g of carbs & 7g of Fat would be 99 calories (or any other combo that works for you 😉)

Struggling to meet your fitness goals while keeping up with your social life? Let me help! Check out my coaching services which range from me just setting up macros and training programs to macros with meal ideas to more in-depth one-on-one coaching that involves weekly check-ins with optional phone calls.

*This post was created by Ashley Cates who is not a Registered Dietician or a Medical Professional, nothing said should be taken as medical advice or replace any advice given by a Physician. This information does not in any way intend to diagnose or treat any health condition/disorder. The information provided is based on Ashley’s education and experience.

4 Fun Fit Things to do with Friends & Family

Do you ever feel like keeping up with your social life is hard when you’re trying to reach a fitness goal?

I think this is because we often feel like social situations only revolve around food or maybe even drinking alcohol. And when a big part of reaching a fitness goal means that you need to have your nutrition dialed in, going out to eat can bring some anxiety that the meal is going to push us farther from our fitness goals!

Now of course you know I’m ALL about flexible dieting and that ALL FOODS can fit into a Macro Balanced diet! But sometimes finding other things to do with friends and family besides going out to eat can make staying on track easier!

Try out one of these alternative activities next time you get together with loved ones!

1) Go For a Walk/Hike

This is probably the most popular option because it’s typically the easiest and cheapest! But don’t think you have to do a long/hardcore hike with friends for it to be “worth it”! Even just a short mile at a park nearby, around your neighborhood, or even around the mall could be nice!

But check out this site for different trails wherever you live: https://www.hikingproject.com

2) Go Bowling, Play Mini-golf, Arcade Games, or Escape Rooms!

Fun for date night or with a group of friends these fun games gets us up and moving! Great to get in some steps and also some good laughs, these activities are some of my favorites! and also some good laughs, these activities are some of my favorites!

3) Take a class!

You could make it an active class by doing something like spin, kickboxing, or yoga! Typically gyms will have guest passes if you want to bring a friend to yours OR check out https://classpass.com for studio classes. They have a FREE two week trial!

Or if you don’t want to get sweaty, then try taking a one of the popular paint, plant, or ceramic classes that you can find on Groupon! I LOVE doing these with my family! You TOTALLY don’t have to be artistic to have fun with them!

4) Have a Picnic with Activities!

So this one does involve food BUT when you’re bringing your own meal/snacks, then it’s easy to stay within your Macros! Bring your picnic to a park or beach along with a frisbee, football, corn hole, a deck of cards, or if the park is big then enjoy a quick bite and then have a nice long walk!

Check out some of my favorite picnic lunches below!

Did you find this post useful? Comment below or contact me 

Need guidance with finding balance with food and exercise? Want coaching with macros/nutrition and/or personal training from me, a Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist? Check out my coaching services which range from me just setting up Custom Macros and Training Programs to Macros with Meal Ideas to more in-depth 1:1 Coaching that involves 24/7 email access to me and weekly check-ins.

My Favorite Kitchen Tools

Here’s the Links to My FAVORITE Kitchen Tools that make cooking EASY!


Great for keeping hydrated!


GREAT for salad toppings & making chili!


Great for making potato, zucchini, carrots, or cucumber chips!


I’ve used this scale for YEARS! Always accurate and not a battery drainer!


Great for recipes like my Cauliflower Cheese Bread or making my 100 Calorie Cupcakes into mini loaves!


The EASIEST way to cook protein without drying it out or burning it! Looks complicated but is seriously SO simple!


I LOVE using Silcone Molds to make Microwave Donuts! You can get my recipe for the donuts here!


So sustainable & photograph well 😉


Just got these for preps that have foods I don’t want to touch!


Forget getting an expensive smoothie blender for THICK smoothie bowls! I’m showing a pic of what this food processor can do because it’s literally the BEST $30 I ever spent! No xanthum gum added! Click the pic for the smoothie bowl recipe and click HERE to get this amazing food processor! I use the chopped attachment for my smoothie bowls!

Aicok Hand Blender, 4 in 1 Immersion Blender with Mixing Beaker(800ml), Chopper, and Whisk, 12-Speeds, Multifunctional Blender with Anti-Splash Blade, BPA Free


I don’t have this exact one, but the price is great and I love that it comes with a lid! A nonstick pan is a NECESSITY for a Macro Balanced Babe because cooking with oil can get too high calorie!


Love making protein waffles with this! Here’s a recipe for some 🙂


I got this set as a gift a few years (though I have it in brighter colors) and they will work great!


Great to make a warm protein coffee! I have it in Navy but could only find the white. I’m sure it works the same though 😉


LOVE this for making mini Macro Friendly cupcakes! Perfect portions!

Please note that all opinions are my own and featured brands are ones I personally like and support. This website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program where I earn advertising fess by linking to amazon.com

3 Reasons to Rest

Do you ever feel like you’re not taking your fitness seriously enough unless you’re going ALL OUT everyday? 

Or that missing a workout makes you a slacker or a failure? 

I asked the poll in my stories “Do you ever struggle with Rest?” and 90% of you said you did!

And as someone who used to go to workout EVERYDAY and sometimes TWICE a day…I totally get it. BUT I can tell you that our bodies NEED rest to THRIVE! Here’s 3 reasons why!

1.You Rebuild Through Rest

While we put in the effort in the gym, it’s actually the recovery process of food and rest that is improving our physiques! 

In the gym we are working the muscle and actually tearing it down (I know it sounds gross right?) But when we are out of the gym, we eat to give our bodies fuel to rebuild the torn muscle cells and when we rest/sleep the body can REALLY focus on healing those cells! This results in stronger muscles which helps with speeding up the metabolism for fat loss which will aid in a more lean and toned look!

2. There’s More to Life than Working Out

Have you ever missed an event because you didn’t want to miss a workout? This can be a problem with feeling the need to be at the gym everyday 1-2 hours a day, as it doesn’t give wiggle room for days you’re busy or exhausted. 

I personally now stick to working out 4 days a week and LOVE it because it allows me to make up a workout the following day if necessary because some days I need rest or have extra work or have events with family and friends. It’s important to remember the other responsibilities and joy (work, friends, family, self care) that give our life purpose and happiness. And if we neglect those just for the sake of a workout…this can make our overall health feel imbalanced.

3. Avoiding Rest will lead to Burnout or Injury

If you’re constantly grinding your body into the ground then burnout or injury is bound to happen! Muscles will continue to tear and get brittle without proper nutrients and rest to heal them! 

And if you get in maybe a short term habit of working out everyday and then something comes up and you have to miss a workout, you may feel like you’ve “failed” and get in a funk to skip more days, weeks, months.

So what’s a healthy amount of exercise?

Whatever’s truly sustainable for YOU! 2-5 days doing actual workouts and then having a step goal of at least 5K, is I think a sustainable approach that anyone can start at! And don’t think that 5 days working out is better than 2 if you can really only stick with 2! Our bodies thrive on balance and consistency! 

So start with what you can and then build from there! If you want results that last, you need to find a routine that lasts! And I can tell you that the person who workouts consistently twice a week and gets their steps in for LIFE, will likely be more healthy and fit than the person who workouts out 6 days a week for 2 weeks and then takes off 3 months.

Side Note to those who may be on an extended rest from Surgery or Accident:

GIVE YOUR BODY GRACE! Do not beat your body up for needing to heal based on circumstances you likely can’t control! You have to remember the big picture of life and that giving your body the rest and calories it needs to heal, will benefit you in the future to rebuild! 

Life isn’t fair and it isn’t easy, but our journey’s to our healthier and best selves will ALWAYS be worth it 🙂 

Did you find this post helpful? Comment below or contact me 

Struggling to meet your fitness goals and want guidance with macros/nutrition and/or personal training from me, a Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist? Check out my coaching services which range from me just setting up macros and training programs to macros with meal ideas to more in-depth one-on-one coaching that involves weekly check-ins with optional phone calls.

*This post was created by Ashley Cates who is not a Registered Dietician or a Medical Professional, nothing said should be taken as medical advice or replace any advice given by a Physician. This information does not in any way intend to diagnose or treat any health condition/disorder. The information provided is based on Ashley’s education and experience.

2018 Top Nine

2018 was an amazing year of growth for me as I feel like I really got close to a balance with food and exercise that I had always wanted. I was able to not track macros for 6 months and relatively maintain my physique even with doing a lot traveling and having to take a break from exercise due to an injury. I’ve been happy to share what I’ve learned about finding this balance and peace with my body and food, as well as sharing my favorite easy and tasty meals and meal preps that have made eating well enjoyable and simple 🙌 And below is the 9 posts that you guys liked the most!

#9 How To Build A Macro Balanced Meal Prep:This was a popular post on instagram but I also have a detailed blog post which breaks down How To Build a Macro Balanced Meal Prep and comes with a lot of examples and even a Grocery List! Check it out here!

#8 Meal Prep?This “meal prep” had been posted when I had came back from Vegas late the night before so I had no time to prep for the week but went to the store because I was craving veggies (so ready to get a big intake of some high nutrient goodness after a weekend of indulgence) I was SO happy to see all these pre-cut veggies on sale at Ralph’s 🙌 they’re on sale because they expired that week so I had them that week and they were good! See the full post here!

#7 On-The-Go Macro Friendly Lunch:The coffee hack I share in this post is one of my FAVORITES (hint: mix a little protein drink with iced coffee and enjoy!!) and this Chicken BLT Protein box from Starbucks has awesome macros: 340 kcal 20P/43C/11F ! Check out the full post here!

#6 Legit EASY Meal prep:And here’s a legit meal prep that still follows my number one rule of being EASY AND TASTY! Everything here was either BBQ’d or prepped in the microwave 🙌👌 See the full post here!

#5 High Protein Mac n Cheese :This meal was probably one of my top favorite creations for the year! And the feedback I got from those who’ve made it agree that you CAN have Mac N Cheese and not overdo it on the calories or fat! Meaning that it’s a seemingly indulgent meal that’s Macro Balanced enough for you to still hit your goals! Read about all of the cheese goodness here!

#4 Christmas Party Transformation:Boyfriend’s Annual Christmas Party🎄 2015➡️2018. Left is me eating and drinking whatever I wanted and not exercising ⏩Right is me eating and drinking whatever I want IN MODERATION with progressive strength training 💪 IT ALL COMES DOWN TO PROPER BALANCE AND MODERATION👏 Read the whole post and my take on finding balance here.

#3 The MOST MACRO FRIENDLY Dip in the game!It started as a recipe to share for Super Bowl Parties and you guys BLEW IT UP by enjoying it all year round! And so did I 🙂 See the full recipe here!

#2 The Salad Dressing Trick:The easiest way to save 14-30+ grams of fat from your salads? USE YOUR OWN LOW CAL DRESSING! I will bring a little container to restaurants if I don’t think they have a low fat option because why should we be shamed or feel bad for having goals and not wanting to have a salad with 50g of fat?? Check out the whole post here! Salad is from the DELICIOUS Corner Bakery BTW 😉 And my favorite low calorie dressings are from Bolthouse!

#1 PB Zucchini Protein Oats :My absolute favorite high carb breakfast! And over 1200 of you agreed it looked delish and many have tried adding zucchini to their protein oats and been pleasantly surprised! Check out this post here with the tip about enjoy oats in an almost empty PB jar so that you get out every last inch of PB 😉 and also check out this post on why adding zucchini to oats is SO great in adding more nutrient density and volume to keep you fuller longer!

2018 has definitely been a delish and strengthening year! Excited to see what 2019 has in store!