15 Easy & Macro Friendly Holiday Party Dishes

Thanksgiving, Christmas, Friendsgiving, Friendsmas, Hannukah, Kwanza, Fall/Winter Bdays, Work Potlucks, New Years Eve…there’s A LOT going on at the end of the year with parties with friends and family which makes it a SUPER special time!

Most of these are a potluck type of events which can be GREAT for making a dish to share as well as try some new things yourself! Potluck type of events can be a little nerve wracking for those tracking macros because it’s hard to know exactly what to track but guesstimating can be better than nothing (check out below for tracking with your hands tips) or also trying a more mindful eating approach at certain events can be great too!

And if you’re stuck on what to bring that is going to be a crowd pleaser AND be something great for your macros, then try out one of these dishes below! Tap the pics to head to the more detailed recipe!

Savory Dishes/Sides

A easy & cheesy side that can please even those who don’t like veggies!

EASY 1 pan dish! Prep ahead of time & then reheat at 375 for 20 minutes

Great a for easy ways to add in all the traditional Thanksgiving sides!

GARLIC ROASTED ACORN SQUASH! Another super yummy fall side!


Not traditional but something easy to make in advance and then serve in a crockpot at the party!

Soups can be GREAT for parties because some (like this one) actually taste great chilled! Check out my 10 Fit Fall Soup Recipes here!

Cranberry Turkey Meatballs and Roasted Veggies! 1 Pan Meal that makes 4 meals! Great for Meal Prep or dishes to bring to parties!

Low Carb Shepherd’s Pie! Such a warm & tasty dish baked casserole style so it’s great for a party!

Chicken Zucchini Meatballs are another easy & tasty app you have! The zucchini keeps them SO moist so you don’t even need a sauce! Though you could pair them pasta if you wanted!


Have a “Build Your Own Pie” party by bringing these Personal Pie Crusts & a couple different toppings! Or prep these ahead of time to bring since they’re no bake (besides the S’mores)

LOW CALORIE BLUEBERRY CHEESECAKE! Traditional cheesecake is the best/worth because it’s SOOO good but also so high calorie 🙁 Try this alternative with TOFU to satisfy a cheesecake craving without overdoing it on the calories.

100 CALORIE CUPCAKES! So easy to make & such a a crowd pleaser!

Holiday Meringue Cookies! So tasty & crunchy & just 5 ingredients (plus sprinkles 😉 ) to make!

Macro Friendly Peanut Butter Cups are SO easy to make with just two ingredients and they’re low in fat! Plus homemade treats are always a win!

Holiday Party Hand Tracking Tips

Check out these posts for easy ways to track at Holiday parties!

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Need help with reaching your fitness goals while enjoying the holidays with balance? Check out my coaching services which range from me setting up custom Macros and Training Programs to Macros with Meal Ideas to more in-depth 1:1 Coaching that involves 24/7 email access to me and weekly check-ins.

*This post was created by Ashley Cates who is not a Registered Dietician or a Medical Professional, nothing said should be taken as medical advice or replace any advice given by a Physician. This information does not in any way intend to diagnose or treat any health condition/disorder. The information provided is based on Ashley’s education and experience. This information is shared with the intent to be helpful.

Easy Ways to Hit Your Macros

Counting Macros is like a daily puzzle where you get to play with what you will eat that may to fuel your body and goals! And some people LOVE puzzles while others don’t! I LOVE puzzles which is why I coach Macros and share all of my experiences, as well as create Meal Ideas based on an Individuals Macros so that they don’t have to do that puzzle themselves😅😉

BUT ultimately, learning how to fuel your body yourself will make it easier for you to get results you can keep! And it’s important to know the more you practice the EASIER hitting your Macros gets!

One of the biggest learning curves with Macros is how to fill up a certain Macronutrient after you’ve already started building a meal.

You could have a dinner with chicken, veggies, and potato, but realize you’re really low on fat. OR you could be maybe having quick frozen dinner that’s pretty low on protein. OR you could be having a salad and realize you should probably add in some carbs🤔

Below I’ve listed EASY ways to add in certain types of foods so that you can hit your Macros spot on! Most examples are showing a type of Protein, Carb, or Fat that are high in that Macronutrient and very low in the others, so that you can add in Protein, Carbs, or Fats depending on what you need without going way over on the other Macros.

Get the full details on how to Easily Add in Protein here!

Get the full details on how to Easily Add in Carbs here!

Get the full details on how to Easily Add in Fats here!

Did you find this post helpful? Comment below or contact me

Need help with reaching your fitness goals or learning how to accurately hit your Macros? Check out my coaching services which range from me setting up custom Macros and Training Programs to Macros with Meal Ideas to more in-depth 1:1 Coaching that involves 24/7 email access to me and weekly check-ins.

*This post was created by Ashley Cates who is not a Registered Dietician or a Medical Professional, nothing said should be taken as medical advice or replace any advice given by a Physician. This information does not in any way intend to diagnose or treat any health condition/disorder. The information provided is based on Ashley’s education and experience. This information is shared with the intent to be helpful.

How to Adjust & Track Fast Food to fit your Macros

Tracking macros while eating out can feel overwhelming BUT most fast food restaurants are required to have calories/nutrition information easily accessible and on their websites! So anytime you go anywhere that you know has more than 5 locations, google the restaurants name with “nutrition info” or “nutrition pdf” or “nutrition calculator” and likely something WILL pop up!

OK, BUT you may be wondering that you find something you want but the macros are a little insane and you’re wondering how to adjust the meal to be more Macro Friendly and then how do you track those adjustments? I’ll explain how EASY this can truly be!

First: How to make a meal more Macro Friendly

I talk about this more in my “Mindful Eating Tips at Restaurants” blog post, but a few similar guidelines I like to follow for easy tracking & keeping it macro friendly:
•Choose a lean vs fried or breaded protein
•Choose 1-2 fat sources if a dish comes with multiple (Ex: Cheese, sour cream, nuts, guacamole, dressing)
•Stick with 1 full serving carb source or mix & match based on preference. 1 full carb source serving would be about 40-60g of carbs (ex: 3-4 taco tortillas, 1 bun, 1 cup fries, 1 cup rice, 1 cup beans, 1 large burrito tortillas, 20 chips) (or have 1/2 of each of these)

Second: How to Adjust a Meal you want based on these tips

After reading through that, let me show my real life example of how I adjusted a Wendy’s Southwest Salad to fit my Macros and still be satisfying!

The salad originally is marked with being at 41g of fat which is WAY over the 10-20g I try to stick with for most meals! The fat sources in this meal are cheese, dressing, bacon, and guacamole.

I asked myself what fat sources sounded good to me that I wanted to keep in🤔 I decided I wanted bacon and was fine with just a little avocado and dressing and I was fine with ditching the cheese.

The salad comes with 1 oz pepper jack cheese, 2 dressing packets, and 2 scoops avocado. I was planning to keeping in 1/2 a dressing packet and 1 scoop avocado, so I decided to search for the macros in My Fitness Pal for 1 oz cheese, 25g avocado (which I’m guessing is a scoop), and 1.5 of the dressing packets (since I was only going to use 1/2). Then I was given the total of what I was NOT going to be having from the original macros so I could subtract that and get the new macros for the meal

Finally: How to Enter New Meal Macros in MFP

SUPER easy to add in new meal macros and save them for the future!

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Need help with setting up your maintenance calories and/or doing a reverse diet and want guidance with macros/nutrition and/or personal training from me, a Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist? Check out my coaching serviceswhich range from me just setting up macros and training programs to macros with meal ideas to more in-depth one-on-one coaching that involves 24/7 email access to me and weekly check-ins.

*This post was created by Ashley Cates who is not a Registered Dietician or a Medical Professional, nothing said should be taken as medical advice or replace any advice given by a Physician. This information does not in any way intend to diagnose or treat any health condition/disorder. The information provided is based on Ashley’s education and experience.

Does Body Confidence come with Weight Loss?

Ready to hear something “shocking”…I actually had MORE BODY CONFIDENCE in the picture on the far left than middle…

I’ve had some clients recently start working with me on their fat loss goals and be totally upset with their pre-program pictures. And while I’m an advocate for fat loss and getting leaner and stronger; I’m NOT an advocate for women tearing down their bodies or believing that weight loss is going to make them happier or more body confident. Because the truth is, it doesn’t. 

The picture above is July 2016 to October 2016, where I lost 40 lbs in 4 months. This was NOT healthy in any type of mental or physical way!!!!

Before my weight loss journey, I genuinely didn’t have any negative body image thoughts and I had initially just decided to lose weight because I knew my nutrition and non-exercise activity wasn’t good for my health, but I quickly became obsessed with the scale and doing everything I could to get the number to drop. 

But reaching my goal weight DID NOT improve my body image, instead it lead me to feeling isolated, to having a fear of food, and to being addicted to exercise. 

But what did get me to being confident in my body regardless of what the scale says, is when I changed to focusing on nourishing my body to be strong and thrive instead of just focusing on keeping it small. 

I found confidence in the gym and in the weight room which translated to me feeling confident and strong in everything. 

I let go of my food anxiety and now enjoy ALL foods in moderations that fuel and satisfy me. 

Being more confident and relaxed with my food choices and knowing that I am respecting my body with how I’m fueling it, instead of depriving it, also led me to have more body confidence.

BUT I also want to say that just because I am more confident in my body doesn’t mean I feel amazing all the time or have no body insecurities whatsoever. 

There are days I wake up feeling lean and other days I wake up feeling bloated/puffy, but I just take it as it is and don’t let it control my overall image, mood, or confidence for the day. 

I wish I could have known all of this while I was in my weight loss phase, but I am happy I at least know this truth now and can share it with you!! 

Because you CAN have body goals AND still LOVE and RESPECT your body! 

And while soo much of the fitness industry puts the emphasis that “going hard” and depriving yourself with extreme exercise, low calorie diets, cleanses, and detox teas is the best way to reach your goals, ultimately following these extreme measures will just make you feel like a failure when you can’t sustain them. 

Which is why I suggest practicing sustainable and enjoyable nutrition and exercise regimens as this will help build that confidence while reaching your goals!

This picture is from last week. 3 years later, I am stronger, healthier, more mentally balanced, and even have a lower body fat % than at my lowest weight even though I weigh more. There have been times over the past 3 years that I have been leaner and stronger than I am now so keeping a positive body image for myself has honestly been challenging. But at the same time I have to remember that I’ve dealt with an injury that kept me out of the gym for a few months, I dealt with some intense hormonal issues where I lost my period for 2.5 years (after my extreme weight loss), I’ve done a lot of traveling and living without tracking! It can be easy for me to be discouraged that I’m not as strong or lean as I was previously, but ultimately I have to give myself and my body the love and grace it deserves and realize that the rest and memories that have led it to being what it is today were necessary and worth it.

Big takeaways?

Weight loss does NOT automatically improve Body Confidence, but the journey to reaching your fitness goals can!

Accepting that your body is doing the best it can to keep you thriving, and will do so even better if you love it, fuel it properly, and don’t overwork it, is I think key to reaching your fitness goals and developing a strong positive body image.

 Focus on fueling, loving, and strengthening your body and it will THRIVE! And feeling this happen will lead to body confidence that can LAST through all of your body’s stages. 

Did you find this post helpful? Comment below or contact me 

Need help with setting up your maintenance calories and/or doing a reverse diet and want guidance with macros/nutrition and/or personal training from me, a Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist? Check out my coaching services which range from me just setting up macros and training programs to macros with meal ideas to more in-depth one-on-one coaching that involves 24/7 email access to me and weekly check-ins.

*This post was created by Ashley Cates who is not a Registered Dietician or a Medical Professional, nothing said should be taken as medical advice or replace any advice given by a Physician. This information does not in any way intend to diagnose or treat any health condition/disorder. The information provided is based on Ashley’s education and experience.

NASM 2019 Optima Personal Training & Nutrition Coaching Big Takeaways

This past weekend I had the pleasure to attend the annual National Academy of Sports Medicine(NASM) Optima Conference and take classes focused on training, nutrition, and health! NASM is the organization I have my education which makes me a Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist, and what I have built my coaching and the Sweat, Love, and Macros brand on! I’m happy to continue to learn and grow and (most importantly) SHARE what I think the MOST IMPORTANT and applicable things are for YOU to reach your fitness and health goals!

Below I share my big takeaways and have also linked the presenters information if you want to go check them out yourself! And if you have any questions on these notes or need guidance on your own fitness journey then please feel free to email me 🙂

The Case Against High Intensity Big Takeaways

Programs that are too intense for people leads to us needing to then create programs to fix them. 

If a program is too intense that it leads to injury and/or giving up, then it can lead to weight gain or becoming unfit leading further away from health & fitness.

Do we need high intensity workouts when there’s safer & more effective ways to get results?

What’s my intent as a coach for training? To help clients gain strength & lose fat so that they enjoy their life feeling feeling powerful

Our training should support our living, not just us feeling like we’re barely surviving a workout

HIIT can lead to becoming an adrenaline junkie & a sugar junkie with needing that constant refuel

You have to start with where the client is at, if they don’t have strength & stability then they can’t safely do HIIT or plyos 

It’s true that HIIT can lead to quick results, but sustainable strength & aerobic work leads to lasting lifelong results for health & fitness. Shouldn’t we want fitness for life? 

Presentation by James Fitzgerald owner of OPEX Fitness and Inaugural Cross Fit Games Champion. Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/jfitzopex Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jfitzopex/

Emerging Science on Chrononutrition

Circadian rhythm: Having dark, sleep, & fasting be in line & light, wake, & feeding be in line has shown positive effects on hormones and fat loss 

Having some type of fasting window is beneficial with 12 hours maybe being average 

Having larger meals earlier & having breakfast  in the day can be better for insulin and that we may burn more NEAT calories when we have larger meals earlier in the day. 

Remembering what’s the goal: most of these are considerations for hormonal balance but macronutrients & calorie balance is most important for fat loss 

Shift workers: skipping meals or high protein snack between 12am-5am 

Ex: awake from 9pm-9am 

Have first meal at 10pm

High protein snack at 2am

Second meal at 6am 

Presentation by Danny Lennon owner of Sigma Nutrition. Website: https://sigmanutrition.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dannylennon_sigma/

9 Tools to Manage Stress:

  1. Practice Optimism (are we focused on the problem or the solution?)
  2. Focus on Flexibility (cognitive & emotional- not focused on how things “should” go but adapting to what happens, challenging our “inner rules” & our expectations of our world ex: people should drive like me, but they aren’t 
  3. Strengthen Our Social Network
  4. Practice Creative Problem Solving (don’t focus on why it’s happening, but asking “what now”) Be your own champion, become that heroic story!
  5. Develop Meaning & Purpose in Life (set achievable goals(short & long term) & adjust along the way)
  6. Give Service to Others (this gives us meaning & perspective)
  7. Get Uncomfortable 
  8. Practice Gratitude (ask daily: what did I receive from others today? what did I give to others today? What difficulties did I cause others?)
  9. Practice Self Care through Meditation 

Presentation by Angie Miller who is a Mental Health Therapist. Website: https://www.angiemillerfitness.com/meet-angie

Metabolic Adaptations to Dieting

Weight loss is outside of the gym (calorie deficit & NEAT) while Fat Loss is in the gym (Body Composition is improved through lifting weights)

NEAT (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) is walking, talking, typing, housework, thinking, etc.

The amount of the deficit doesn’t matter when it gets past 500 calories per day. Someone in a 500 calorie deficit will lose the same amount as someone in the 1000 calorie deficit. So keeping the deficit manageable is what’s most important

BMR, NEAT, and TEF change when we diet, but NEAT seems to change the most as less energy in makes us move less. Study shows average NEAT went from 800 calories to 300 calories in dieting adults. This can lead to a stall.

Starvation mode is real in the sense you can starve yourself to death, decreased adherence and less NEAT movement has been shown in numerous studies to be the determining factor for weight loss stall or weight regain after dieting.

Slower metabolisms with age has been shown to be due to lower NEAT.

Keeping NEAT up and adherence are MOST IMPORTANT for weight loss and weight management.

Presentation by Brad Dieter, PhD, is an exercise physiologist, molecular biologist, biostatistician, scientist, and entrepreneur.

Whats the deal with GMOS?

GMOs are Genetically Modified Organisms

The “fear” of them isn’t science based but instead a media hype of people thinking we need to be afraid of what’s “not natural”

Things that are “not natural” that we seem to perceive as good: organ transplants, dog breeding, and also we ourselves are genetically modified or we would all look the same,

Things that are “natural” that we seem to perceive as bad: plagues and HIV.

GMO corn and rice that shown to save countries from starvation.

Of course it could be taken too far, but GMOs in food are regulated so need to be less of a concern compared to the big picture of weight maintenance, food quality, daily activity, and water intake.

Presentation by Brad Dieter, PhD, is an exercise physiologist, molecular biologist, biostatistician, scientist, and entrepreneur.

Squat Progression

Those who can squat deeper have deeper hip sockets

Practicing box squats is the best way to improve proper squat movements through sitting back, bending hips to move first and then knees OR bending hips and knees at the same time, practicing controlled squatting (not dropping into the chair), keeping chest out when going into the squat and pushing it out as you come up.

Presentation by Jonathan Mike, PhD, who teaches exercise science and sports performance programs at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, AZ. Website: https://drjmike.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drjmike/

Eccentric Training

The eccentric motion is when the muscle is elongated vs the concentric motion is when the muscle is shortened and under tension. Ex: Bicep curl- when curling the weight up you are shortening the bicep so this is the concentric motion, when bringing it down you are elongating it so this is the eccentric motion

Eccentric training is slowing down the eccentric movement which can lead to more strength and muscle development.

Can be done with pretty much any exercise. Can be good to incorporate in supersets.

Presentation by Jonathan Mike, PhD, who teaches exercise science and sports performance programs at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, AZ. Website: https://drjmike.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drjmike/

Understanding the Science Behind Keto

For Fat Loss: Studies have been done on whether going low carb or low fat was better fat loss. Studies have concluded there’s no difference in fat loss, what mattered most was adherence.

For Performance: Most studies for performance were done in athletes who were eating at a high calorie intake so they were in keto but still eating 150g of carbs per day. Their performance wasn’t affected but they also weren’t in a calorie deficit. The body will adapt to the most consumed fuel source

When there’s a big drop on the scale from going keto/low carb it’s glycogen that’s getting depleted from muscle cells. Muscle weight IS HEALTHY WEIGHT!

Going too low calorie with keto or any diet can lead to cortisol increase and lower NEAT, which can make fat loss stall.

Bottom line: when dieting focus on balance and preference, there’s no magic diet except the one that you can stick to!

Presentation by Fabio Comana, MA, MS is a full time lecturer in the school of exercise and nutritional sciences at SDSU.

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Do you feel like you need support in order reach your fitness goals with balance? Having an outside perspective to keep you focused on the big picture of health and fitness (which is WAY more than just the scale) can be extremely helpful and it’s actually one my most rewarding passions to help women with this! 

Check out my 1:1 coaching services to work with me on making fitness work with your life instead of consuming your life. Finally drop the “All or Nothing” Mentality and learn to be strong and balanced for life!

*This post was created by Ashley Cates who is not a Registered Dietician or a Medical Professional, nothing said should be taken as medical advice or replace any advice given by a Physician. This information does not in any way intend to diagnose or treat any health condition/disorder. The information provided is based on Ashley’s education and experience and shared with the intent to help and not harm.

My Favorite Workout Equipment

Here’s my favorite equipment to use when working out!


Great for at home workouts! Get a ball and then try this Glute, Legs, & Core Workout!


Great for warm ups or travel workouts!


Get strong at home with dumbbells! I love to program clients to get 2 larger dumbbells and then show them how to progress from 1 to 2 like in my Sweat Smarter at Home Program!


Great for when wanting to work on building overall body strength and stability!


I don’t have this one, but I think this one a great price and will get the job done! I prefer rollers without indents because those can be too painful.

Please note that all opinions are my own and featured brands are ones I personally like and support. This website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program where I earn advertising fess by linking to amazon.com

Cellulite: Why you should never be ashamed of your body

Cellulite…in an effort to keep it real, I thought I’d share photo and conversation I had with a client regarding cellulite.

I had a client tell me how self conscious she was about her cellulite and I went on to send her this still shot of me from a workout video I had filmed. When I first saw the video my immediate reaction was to delete it because my cellulite was so prevalent to me (remember that our insecurities are from our points of view and typically we are our own worst critics) but I didn’t delete it for some reason and maybe because I knew it was something that would be helpful to someone to share.

I went on to tell my client that cellulite is a completely normal and natural thing! As women, the backs of our legs are where we typically store the most stubborn fat. And the amount of cellulite someone may or may not have can also really rely a lot on genetics, which means it’s not even so much in our control to reduce it through natural means. Even for someone like myself who does consistent strength training, eats a balanced diet, and is 18% body fat; I too have cellulite.

And though I’m not necessarily thrilled about my cellulite, I can still have it and accept it, and find love and confidence in my body as a whole. I focus on each day making myself stronger & healthier overall, because I think having that focus and respect for our bodies can make us gain confidence and love for every shape our bodies are in!

So while it is of course still ok to have fitness and physique goals, and you can make cellulite less visible by getting leaner/losing body fat, I think it’s important to have our motivation for them come from a place of wanting to make our bodies stronger and healthier in the process, which I think will build more confidence in ourselves instead of thinking that we will be happy or confident once we weigh a certain amount or have a certain body fat % or can wear a certain size or get rid of rolls or cellulite.

So instead of being ashamed about the cellulite on my legs, I’m going to be PROUD of my legs!

I’m proud in all they do to get me through my days and the strength they’ve built since I changed my focus from making them smaller to making them STRONGER and this mindset shift has made ALL the difference!

I know stretch marks and dimples can be other areas we can feel ashamed of, but I don’t think we should EVER be ashamed of our bodies or journeys! Wether they’re from just becoming a woman with curves, growing a baby, or maybe even from having unhealthy eating/exercise patterns, we have to look at these marks as part of our story. Some may be a beautiful part of our story while others may be a really difficult part. But I know that as long as we are focusing on loving and nurturing our bodies to be the strongest and healthiest they can be, then we ARE doing what’s best of us in the moment! And that’s something we can always be proud of!

Did you find this post helpful? Comment below or contact me 

Do you feel like you need support in order reach your fitness goals with balance? Having an outside perspective to keep you focused on the big picture of health and fitness (which is WAY more than just the scale) can be extremely helpful and it’s actually one my most rewarding passions to help women with this! 

Check out my 1:1 coaching services to work with me on making fitness work with your life instead of consuming your life. Find out how to fall in love with the process of getting stronger and lean without sacrificing your mental or physical health!

*This post was created by Ashley Cates who is not a Registered Dietician or a Medical Professional, nothing said should be taken as medical advice or replace any advice given by a Physician. This information does not in any way intend to diagnose or treat any health condition/disorder. The information provided is based on Ashley’s education and experience.

5 Things Fit & Balanced Babes Do!

Do you get overwhelmed with what you should be doing to get fit and be balanced? 

One day carbs are bad, the next day fat is bad. One day cardio is the ultimate workout and then the next day everyone is raving about crossfit! There’s SO much noise and misinformation about what NEEDS to be done to be fit and healthy, so I’ve decided to break it down to the 5 Things Fit & Balanced Babes Do to take out the guesswork!

1: A Fit & Balanced Babe Tracks or Understands Macros

No matter your goal, if you want to be fit and healthy then you need to understand the basics of balanced nutrition. I’m PASSIONATE about sharing this because I’ve seen in myself in the hundreds of women I’ve worked with, on how adjusting nutrition to be more macro balanced can be truly LIFE CHANGING in regards to fat loss, getting lean, and just having better energy levels!

If you’re confused on what a Macro Balanced meal is, EVERY meal and snack I share on my site or Instagram is macro balanced by having a good amount of protein, carbs, and fats! Each macro has a different role for the body (protein repairs muscle/cells & is satiating, carbs are our bodies main source of fuel, & fats provide hormonal balance & are satiating as well). Having too much of one without the other can lead to unsteady energy levels and make it harder to recognize hunger and fullness cues. This can create a cycle of: eating, then getting a boost of energy, then a drop in energy shortly after, then reaching for more food for energy again. But eating Macro Balanced meals leads to longer and more balanced energy and allows hunger to present itself more naturally about every 3-5 hours.

I know that macros can seem overwhelming if you’re new to the concept, but even if your goal isn’t fat loss just learning how fueled and powerful your body can feel with balanced nutrition is SERIOUSLY worth the effort! And what you learn can be applied to the rest of your life! 

If you want more FREE info on macros, sign up for my email list to get a free Macros Explained Guide!

2: A Fit & Balanced Babe Lifts Weights

We live in a fast paced world and we are BUSY! So getting the most bang for your buck in regards to workouts is SO important!

We will often look at the calorie burn during a workout to determine if it was a “good workout” BUT while 30 minutes on the treadmill may burn more calories in the moment vs 30 minutes of strength training, the strength training workout will actually help you with burning MORE calories continuously throughout the day! This is because when muscles are pushed with strength training they will tear (I know sounds gross LOL) but this is what we want! Because then throughout the day they will heal and rebuild to create more muscle which also leads to a boost in metabolism! This means burning more calories throughout the day and even when we sleep!

Also, the relationship you can develop with lifting weights vs cardio will likely be much more balanced! When you are lifting weights you are becoming stronger and this is SO empowering! Cardio can easily lead to feeling like a “punishment” for how we look or what we ate, while strength training focuses on how the body NEEDS fuel to get strong!

You can read more about this in this instagram post 🙂

3: A Fit & Balanced Babe Makes Daily Movement a Priority

Many studies have shown that those with a higher NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) are typically leaner than those with a lower NEAT. What’s considered NEAT? Walking, typing, vaccuming, yard work, folding laundry, fidgeting, etc. Basically all types of movement we do outside of exercise. 

It can actually greatly be seen how NEAT can make one leaner when comparing different countries to the US/Canada, as most other countries have work, restaurants, and homes within walking distance and also have slightly more active jobs. Whereas the Sates/Canada we are mostly sedentary with commuting from home to work, sitting at work most of the day, and then sitting on the couch to watch TV when we get home. Because of this sedentary lifestyle, this makes more planned exercise very important BUT it is also great to have a step/movement goal to help with increasing NEAT!

With increased NEAT, you will naturally burn more calories in a balanced way and can actually better recognize your body’s fullness and hunger cues! It sounds kind of crazy but we can feel hungrier the LESS we move! But this likely isn’t actual hunger, it’s more cravings/boredom. And since food is SO easily accessible to us, then it’s easy for us to think we need food’s energy when we don’t. Having a higher NEAT helps with being able to better recognize when our bodies ACTUALLY need fuel!

And as someone who works from home coaching online clients, I TOTALLY get how hard it can be to hit a 10K step goal with a desk job! So start with what you can and then build from there! Start with trying to hit 5K steps daily and then seeing how easy or hard it is to hit that goal before deciding if you can push yourself for more! And you don’t need a fancy fitbit or apple watch! Most phones have step trackers so you just have to be mindful of keeping your phone in your purse of pocket 😉

And easy ways to add in steps: Park farther at work, the gym, the store, etc., use a bathroom that’s farther away or the next floor up at work or in your home, take the stairs, take a walk on your lunch break, or even a short walk after any meal can help with digestion as well!

4: A Fit & Balanced Babe Drinks Water

Staying hydrated also directly lends itself to having better energy levels and being able to better recognize what portions of foods are going to leave you fueled and full! I’ve had tons of clients tell me they’re hungry even when it seems like they’re eating more than enough, and it often comes back to them not drinking enough water! Water helps with digestion and nutrient absorption, and I’ve legit had meals that I didn’t feel that full from and then I drank a glass of water after and then felt full!

Also, keeping water intake up can help with more steps to the bathroom 😉 A basic recommendation on daily water intake is to take your weight in lbs and divide it by 2 and that’s how many oz of water you should have daily. Ex: 150 lb person would drink 75 oz of water per day.

5: A Fit & Balanced Babe Knows That Fitness Isn’t Everything

Even as a Personal Trainer and Nutritionist, I get very honest my clients (and have to remind myself too sometimes) that fitness is NOT everything.

There was a time 5 years ago where I was OBSESSED with reaching my “goal weight” that I made fitness EVERYTHING. I would miss parties, workout twice a day, only eat foods I prepped, and ate so low calorie that I literally had no energy to do anything else, this lead to me creating barriers with loved ones and even losing my period. I maybe “looked great” because I had lost weight, BUT I was SO mentally, physically, and emotionally unhealthy and unbalanced and quickly realized that reaching my goal weight didn’t lead to any type of happiness or satisfaction that I thought it would 🙁 

You can read about how I got out of that mess here

It’s SOOOOO important to remember that health is SO much more than how we look! Mental, Physical, and Social health are all equally important to us feeling our best and most balanced! 

Balanced mental health would be us feeling good in how we view food, exercise, and our bodies. 

Unhealthy mindsets of these would be: Seeing food as good or bad or overly restricting foods. Exercising for punishment. Wanting to change our bodies out of hate or social pressures.

Balanced mindsets for these would be: Knowing all foods can fit. Exercising to get stronger and feel empowered. Wanting to change our bodies to be more healthy and strong with an internal focus.

Balanced physical health would be us taking action to be more physically fit without taking it to an extreme that it becomes unhealthy.

Unhealthy mindsets of these would be: obsessing over reaching a goal weight/body fat % or reaching a certain level of performance that you neglect your bodies basic needs and ignore possible dangerous signals like: extreme hunger, lack of energy, loss of period, loss of hair, blotchy skin, poor digestion, poor sleep, or extreme stress.

Balanced mindsets for these would be: staying at a healthy weight with balanced nutrition intake so that our hormones are balanced and we aren’t having any types of nutrient deficiencies. Pushing ourselves with workouts but being sure to not go extreme that it leads to injury.

Balanced social health would be that we make time for others and know that laughter as well as having purpose with care and helping others gives us more balance and purpose.  

Unhealthy mindsets of these would be: Obsessing over our own goals. Neglecting other’s feelings or needs as they affect our wants and needs. Skipping events/parties/dinners because you’re nervous the food may be too high calorie or that there will be alcohol.

Balanced mindsets for these would be: Recognizing how healthy it can be to laugh with your significant other over a glass of wine, pick up a cake for a birthday, or missing a workout to help a friend with a flat tire. 

BUT it’s also important to remember that your goals are important and valid! It can be hard to find a balance but at least working on it is I think what’s the most important 🙂 

Did you find this post helpful? Comment below or contact me 

Do you feel like you need support in order reach your fitness goals with balance? Having an outside perspective to keep you focused on the big picture of health and fitness (which is WAY more than just the scale) can be extremely helpful and it’s actually one my most rewarding passions to help women with this! 

Check out my 1:1 coaching services to work with me on making fitness work with your life instead of consuming your life. Finally drop the “All or Nothing” Mentality and learn to be strong and balanced for life!

*This post was created by Ashley Cates who is not a Registered Dietician or a Medical Professional, nothing said should be taken as medical advice or replace any advice given by a Physician. This information does not in any way intend to diagnose or treat any health condition/disorder. The information provided is based on Ashley’s education and experience.

Are Bites, Licks, & Tastes ruining your progress?

Are BLTS ruining your progress? And no, I’m not talking about Bacon, Lettuce, & Tomato Sandwiches (though I guess I could be!) I’m talking about untracked Bites, Licks, & Tastes!

Whether it’s a bite of someone’s indulgent dish, a lick of your significant other’s ice cream cone, or a taste of a friends drink, if these are instances that are happening often (and you’re not tracking them), then it could be very likely that you’re going over your macro goals…this means putting yourself OUT of a calorie deficit making fat loss stall 🙁

And just a quick recap since most people are counting macros to lose weight, you have to remember that weight loss happens by being in a consistent calorie deficit! And fat loss happens faster when you pair that deficit with strength training! A calorie deficit means that you’re burning more calories than you’re intake…and if you’re not tracking all of your macros or tracking them incorrectly then you are likely going over your calorie goal and hindering your potential results!

Is this really a big deal?

YES! If you are tracking macros for weight loss but not doing everything correctly then it can be a longer process for progress! It can definitely seem like not a big deal in the moment to have a small portion of a treat, but calories can add up quick! Especially if 1 BLT turns into a few!


TRACK EVERYTHING! Especially is this is happening often! If you are pretty diligent about not eating off others plates, and you do it maybe once a week then I think you can let it slide. But if it’s more than that (and it’s for higher calorie items) then I think it’s better to just track something (even if it’s not perfect!).

But how do you correctly track a bite of a friends cake or a ice cream cone lick? Just search for the generic item in MFP and I would track 20-30g for a bite or taste & 5-10g for a lick. It won’t be perfect but I think seeing how those calories can add up can be eye opening and may help prevent taking in too many!

A way to more easily track these in MFP so that you’re not adding these to calories to your meal totals, is to create a meal called “Extras” or you could call it “BLTs”. Follow the steps below too create!


What about when you track your whole day ahead of time & then have a random BLT?

I was at Trader Joe’s a few week’s ago, and if you’ve been then there then you know they have the BEST samples! They had a two bite Chicken Pesto Sandwich that I felt compelled to try, so I did and it was delicious!!

But I had tracked my WHOLE day and had my macros perfect! So instead of adding it to that day and trying to adjust my later meals, I tracked it for the next day! I decided to just do a “Quick Add” of macros to make tracking it easier and guesstimated the the 2 bite sandwich was 4P/6C/3F (this is 67 calories BTW! Calories add up quick!) The “Quick Add is a Premium feature in MFP, if I did have it then I would search for a “Chicken Pesto Sandwich” and probably track 1/10 of it or something that was similar to those macros I listed.

Tracking unplanned foods for the following day can be a easy solution BUT I do want to set the warning that you don’t want to do it often as it can lead to this constant feeling of catch up with your calories.

Tip for if you KNOW BLTs will happen often

I find that BLTs can be a bit more common with Mom’s as their children may not finish their meals and Mom doesn’t want the food to go to waste. So she will finish the bit of PB&J or have a couple goldfish, but remember…this all can add up fast!

I suggest to try to save the meal if possible for your little one to eat later if they’re hungry, or to just throw it away. But if you know that both of these can be a struggle then I think tracking BLTs ahead of time can be a great best practice!

The way I suggest doing this is to “Create a Food” in MFP with what I would maybe consider a small bite macro 1P/5C/3F and adding it to your diary daily. Maybe you have to start with tracking 3 servings of it, because you know it’s happening often. And then at the end of the day if you end up NOT have any BLTs, then you can use those macros on an actual treat! Or have them the following day.

Go to “+” > “Create a Food” > then add in the info above!

If you end up having a lick, then you can just track 1/2 serving of BLT. And if it’s a large bite, then I’d suggest tracking 1.5-2 BLTS. Again, this isn’t perfect but I think it can be more helpful than not tracking anything at all.

Will BLTs affect weight loss if they’re all tracked?

Ok, so this is the BIG QUESTION right?! So staying within a calorie deficit is the #1 thing needed for weight loss. So if you’re tracking everything and sticking within your deficit then you should lose weight.

BUT, I think it’s important to think of some other factors like digestion and energy when it comes to food! I believe we will feel more fueled, energized, and satisfied when we stick with more planned and structured meals/snacks vs grazing. I’m sure you’ve experience how a stomach ache can happen when snacking too much and I definitely don’t think you would want a bunch of BLTs to add up to the calories of a meal! This would likely leave you not feeling satisfied and longing for more food…which can then lead into not sticking within your calorie deficit.

I know this can all seem tedious and maybe also overwhelming, so remember to give yourself grace but to also be honest with yourself so that you CAN make real progress!

And if you feel like you need more accountability to keep you on track with all of this and help you with tracking everything correctly then I would love to help!

Check out my coaching services which range from me just setting up macros and training programs to macros with meal ideas to more in-depth one-on-one coaching that involves weekly check-ins with optional phone calls.

*This post was created by Ashley Cates who is not a Registered Dietician or a Medical Professional, nothing said should be taken as medical advice or replace any advice given by a Physician. This information does not in any way intend to diagnose or treat any health condition/disorder. The information provided is based on Ashley’s education and experience.