Are BLTS ruining your progress? And no, I’m not talking about Bacon, Lettuce, & Tomato Sandwiches (though I guess I could be!) I’m talking about untracked Bites, Licks, & Tastes!
Whether it’s a bite of someone’s indulgent dish, a lick of your significant other’s ice cream cone, or a taste of a friends drink, if these are instances that are happening often (and you’re not tracking them), then it could be very likely that you’re going over your macro goals…this means putting yourself OUT of a calorie deficit making fat loss stall 🙁
And just a quick recap since most people are counting macros to lose weight, you have to remember that weight loss happens by being in a consistent calorie deficit! And fat loss happens faster when you pair that deficit with strength training! A calorie deficit means that you’re burning more calories than you’re intake…and if you’re not tracking all of your macros or tracking them incorrectly then you are likely going over your calorie goal and hindering your potential results!
Is this really a big deal?
YES! If you are tracking macros for weight loss but not doing everything correctly then it can be a longer process for progress! It can definitely seem like not a big deal in the moment to have a small portion of a treat, but calories can add up quick! Especially if 1 BLT turns into a few!
TRACK EVERYTHING! Especially is this is happening often! If you are pretty diligent about not eating off others plates, and you do it maybe once a week then I think you can let it slide. But if it’s more than that (and it’s for higher calorie items) then I think it’s better to just track something (even if it’s not perfect!).
But how do you correctly track a bite of a friends cake or a ice cream cone lick? Just search for the generic item in MFP and I would track 20-30g for a bite or taste & 5-10g for a lick. It won’t be perfect but I think seeing how those calories can add up can be eye opening and may help prevent taking in too many!
A way to more easily track these in MFP so that you’re not adding these to calories to your meal totals, is to create a meal called “Extras” or you could call it “BLTs”. Follow the steps below too create!

What about when you track your whole day ahead of time & then have a random BLT?
I was at Trader Joe’s a few week’s ago, and if you’ve been then there then you know they have the BEST samples! They had a two bite Chicken Pesto Sandwich that I felt compelled to try, so I did and it was delicious!!
But I had tracked my WHOLE day and had my macros perfect! So instead of adding it to that day and trying to adjust my later meals, I tracked it for the next day! I decided to just do a “Quick Add” of macros to make tracking it easier and guesstimated the the 2 bite sandwich was 4P/6C/3F (this is 67 calories BTW! Calories add up quick!) The “Quick Add is a Premium feature in MFP, if I did have it then I would search for a “Chicken Pesto Sandwich” and probably track 1/10 of it or something that was similar to those macros I listed.
Tracking unplanned foods for the following day can be a easy solution BUT I do want to set the warning that you don’t want to do it often as it can lead to this constant feeling of catch up with your calories.
Tip for if you KNOW BLTs will happen often
I find that BLTs can be a bit more common with Mom’s as their children may not finish their meals and Mom doesn’t want the food to go to waste. So she will finish the bit of PB&J or have a couple goldfish, but remember…this all can add up fast!
I suggest to try to save the meal if possible for your little one to eat later if they’re hungry, or to just throw it away. But if you know that both of these can be a struggle then I think tracking BLTs ahead of time can be a great best practice!
The way I suggest doing this is to “Create a Food” in MFP with what I would maybe consider a small bite macro 1P/5C/3F and adding it to your diary daily. Maybe you have to start with tracking 3 servings of it, because you know it’s happening often. And then at the end of the day if you end up NOT have any BLTs, then you can use those macros on an actual treat! Or have them the following day.

If you end up having a lick, then you can just track 1/2 serving of BLT. And if it’s a large bite, then I’d suggest tracking 1.5-2 BLTS. Again, this isn’t perfect but I think it can be more helpful than not tracking anything at all.
Will BLTs affect weight loss if they’re all tracked?
Ok, so this is the BIG QUESTION right?! So staying within a calorie deficit is the #1 thing needed for weight loss. So if you’re tracking everything and sticking within your deficit then you should lose weight.
BUT, I think it’s important to think of some other factors like digestion and energy when it comes to food! I believe we will feel more fueled, energized, and satisfied when we stick with more planned and structured meals/snacks vs grazing. I’m sure you’ve experience how a stomach ache can happen when snacking too much and I definitely don’t think you would want a bunch of BLTs to add up to the calories of a meal! This would likely leave you not feeling satisfied and longing for more food…which can then lead into not sticking within your calorie deficit.
I know this can all seem tedious and maybe also overwhelming, so remember to give yourself grace but to also be honest with yourself so that you CAN make real progress!
And if you feel like you need more accountability to keep you on track with all of this and help you with tracking everything correctly then I would love to help!
Check out my coaching services which range from me just setting up macros and training programs to macros with meal ideas to more in-depth one-on-one coaching that involves weekly check-ins with optional phone calls.
*This post was created by Ashley Cates who is not a Registered Dietician or a Medical Professional, nothing said should be taken as medical advice or replace any advice given by a Physician. This information does not in any way intend to diagnose or treat any health condition/disorder. The information provided is based on Ashley’s education and experience.