6 Quick Non-Food Ways to Relieve Stress

Different types of stress can come from different types of situations. It can be chronic stress from work, school, financial concerns, or maybe a health matter, or it could be more temporary stress like an argument with a loved ones, a work deadline, an exam, acute injury, or unexpected bill.

Either type of stress can cause for a longing for relief from it. And one of the “easiest” way to cope with stress for many is through food. And while food can bring pleasure, it ultimately will not solve whatever the issue is and can actually create a problem if done excessively as it can cause weight gain or can lead to numbing vs working through a situation.

Ultimately, working through the situation is the what will likely bring a solution but I think it can be important to find ways to cope with stress or at least turn it off for a bit as I think taking a break from thinking about it can help with better seeing a situation and maybe even help us realize it’s not as bad as we think it is.

Here are 6 Quick Non-Food Ways to Relieve Stress that I practice myself and also suggest for my clients❤️

1) Take a Walk

Put on a podcast or music and get moving. When our bodies are active, it can be easier for our brains to be active and possibly work through a stress or even realize that if we are able to walk/move/listen in some peace then we really are blessed.

2) Watch a Dumb/Funny Movie or Show

My go-to is Spongebob 😅 There’s nothing like a silly cartoon to bring some light to our lives and give us a brief distraction to laugh.

3) Read a Fiction Book

Like watching a movie or show, getting a brief distraction of a story that has nothing to do with our lives can be relieving.

4) Look through Old Photos of Good Times

This is honestly probably my favorite. Whatever the situation is (even if it is an argument with a loved one) you are still loved by them and by many, and remembering good times and that you loved can be SOOO relieving. It can really help to realize that you have support to get through whatever the stressful situation is! And it may even bring up some memories prior stressful situations that you WERE able to get through! This can be empowering!

5) Take a Hot Bath/Shower…and possibly have a good cry

Another one of my “favorites” and I put favorites in quotes because no one likes to cry? But honestly taking a hot shower and just having a good cry can just let out so many built up emotions and feel cleansing.

6) Vent

While my other tips involve a brief distraction help with taking a break from focusing so much on stress; this tip involves starting to work through it. Whether it’s calling a friend or journaling about what’s going on, talking/writing through a situation and your feelings can help with managing why this is so stressful for you and possibly allow you to reflect if it’s something you can change. Talking with a friend can give an outside perspective also as well as advice.

Above are quick ways to relieve stress, but I wanted to share some additional tips I have on more ways to relieve stress that just aren’t as immediate as the ones above can be.

Get in a Solid Strength Workout

Pushing weights and feeling how strong you are can be really empowering to give a feeling that you can overcome any obstacle!

Go to a Movie

I’ve did this many times when I was living with a sick family member (who is healed now, thank God) and my house just felt  depressing. Going to the movies (by yourself) and just getting wrapped up in another story can be REALLY relieving.

Get a Massage, a Hair Cut, or a Mani/Pedi

Doing something nice for yourself can be empowering. This tip is I think especially helpful for those in more chronic stressful situations as many can get wrapped up that they don’t have time to do something for themselves when they have others to take care of or are just so busy. We ALL deserve self care and to feel lovely 🙂

Take Magnesium or Ashwaganda

One of the VERY few supplements I recommend but both can be great natural remedies for dealing with stress. Here’s an instagram post I have on the benefits for Magnesium

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Need help with reaching your fitness goals in a way that doesn’t lead to extreme stress with exercise and nutrition? Check out my coaching services which range from me setting up custom Macros and Training Programs to Macros with Meal Ideas to more in-depth 1:1 Coaching that involves 24/7 email access to me and weekly check-ins.

*This post was created by Ashley Cates who is not a Registered Dietician or a Medical Professional, nothing said should be taken as medical advice or replace any advice given by a Physician. This information does not in any way intend to diagnose or treat any health condition/disorder. The information provided is based on Ashley’s education and experience. This information is shared with the intent to be helpful.