2019 Top 9 Posts

2019 was incredible year for me and the Sweat, Love, and Macros brand! I had been juggling working as an Office Administrator for a Solar Development Company while also doing Online Personal Training and Nutrition Coaching and in February 2019 I was laid off from my office job. I’ll never forget how much I cried that day because I was losing a solid stream of income but at the same time, I was getting SO busy with Online Coaching that I realized that this was the push I needed to take my company to the next level and focus on helping as many women as possible!

So equally terrified and excited with my family, friends, and God in my corner, I poured my soul into Sweat, Love, and Macros and never looked for a “safe” office job again. With focus and passion, I was able to up my quality of my content and coaching and I know my clients and followers have benefited from it!

My passion and life goal is for really ANYONE and EVERYONE to realize that they don’t have to be extreme to be fit and healthy, and that women can be Strong and Lean without depriving themselves or beating themselves down in the gym.

I am thrilled to go into 2020, with continuing to share my passion and help women become their most fit and healthy selves without giving up their lives! And I love reflecting on these 2019 Top 9 posts because I think they have been incredibly helpful while even some being controversial and had the biggest impact! I’m glad to have them here to look back on!


These delicious 10 calorie meringue cookies were actually kind of controversial! They’re made with real refined sugar and with about 1-2g in each cookie, this is TOTALLY fine in moderation! While it was my most liked and saved post, the controversy was some people commenting wanting a sugar substitute and others stating that basically 10 calorie cookies are dumb/depriving LOL To me they’re delicious and a easy to make treat! Get the recipe here!


An important post that was helpful for SO many of my clients in helping them navigate being at Holiday parties and not eating what they didn’t want to. This post was intended to be helpful for those with fit goals and looking to balance the Holidays without overdoing it because some relatives can be pushy with telling you to more when you don’t want to and won’t take a simple “no”. Though some took post as me saying “this is how you can avoid eating at parties”. This was NOT my intention! I’m ALL ABOUT BALANCE, and if you want to have a food and I mean ANY food, then I think you should! But if you don’t want to have a certain food or any more of it because you’re full or you know it will interfere with your fitness goals then I think these are great responses for Handling Food Comments with Confidence! Get this full post here!


I LOVE that this was a top post! I love being able to show easy and filling meals that can be tasty and fuel fat loss goals! Because you don’t have to feel starved to lose weight! It’s all about just incorporating Volume Eating which is the SMARTER way to eat when in a calorie deficit! Many think they just need to eat small portions of food to lose weight BUT our bodies don’t look at the “size” of meals for weight loss but instead weight loss happens by our bodies look at the amount of calories we’re consuming & adapts to if we’re eating less calories than we’re burning. So if you’re able to know what calories/macros you need for weight loss then actually eating large portions of low calorie foods(like lean protein & veggies) is best because it allows you to feel full even on low calories! Get this full post here!


Another High Volume Meal I LOVEEE! And it’s no cook! So easy to whip up! Get all the deets here!


I was so glad that this post resonating with so many! I’m so tired of others judging food choices based on their beliefs in “good” and “bad” foods! One of the biggest things I work on with my clients is dropping food labels gaining trust that they TRULY can enjoy whatever foods they love and still get results! Get all the deets on this post here!


LOVE this tasty, easy, and warm meal! Another example that fueling fat loss meals don’t need to be laborious or time consuming! Get the deets here!


Love that this post was so liked! In it I share SO MANY of my tips to making meal prep easy when you have no time or energy to cook or get creative! This is another big focus I have with my clients in showing them how their meals can be convenient and balanced for their goals without needing to be fast food! Get all these meal prep tips here!


OBSESSED with this Meal Prep! And I’m glad you Babes were too! Here’s the recipe 🙂


While I got some backlash that this was environmentally unjust, I truly think that we have the power to enjoy the foods we want and wasting something in your body for the sake of not wasting it in the trash isn’t good for our physically or mental health! Wasting 1/2 a cookie because you’re not enjoying it is not going to ruin the planet and putting that much pressure on ourselves for 1/2 a cookie is I think not fair! Of course, I always try to save food to share or repurpose because I don’t want to be wasteful, but ultimately I think honoring our bodies needs so that we can focus on being our best selves is ultimately what’s the most healthy for our wellbeing and the environment. Get more details about why It’s OK to be a Food Snob here!

Did you find this post helpful? Comment below or contact me 

Need help with setting up a training and/or nutrition plan that can work WITH YOUR LIFE? This is my speciality! I love to show women how they can truly reach their fitness goals without giving up their lives! Check out my coaching services which range from me just setting up macros and training programs to macros with meal ideas to more in-depth one-on-one coaching that involves 24/7 email access to me and weekly check-ins.

*This post was created by Ashley Cates who is not a Registered Dietician or a Medical Professional, nothing said should be taken as medical advice or replace any advice given by a Physician. This information does not in any way intend to diagnose or treat any health condition/disorder. The information provided is based on Ashley’s education and experience.