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6 Week SWEAT SMARTER at Home Training Program

6 Week SWEAT SMARTER at Home Training Program
6 Week SWEAT SMARTER at Home Training Program
6 Week SWEAT SMARTER at Home Training Program
6 Week SWEAT SMARTER at Home Training Program
6 Week SWEAT SMARTER at Home Training Program
6 Week SWEAT SMARTER at Home Training Program
6 Week SWEAT SMARTER at Home Training Program
6 Week SWEAT SMARTER at Home Training Program

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6 Week SWEAT SMARTER at Home Training Program

Are you looking to get leaner and stronger but don't have the option to go to a gym?

Are you willing to invest in a few pieces of equipment so that you can work out in the convenience of your home at any time of day?

If you answered 'YES' to these questions, then this is the program for you!

I'm happy to introduce to you my SWEAT SMARTER at Home 6 Week Training Program! This program is a mix of weight lifting and plyometrics that only involves a set of dumbbells, a stability ball, and your will to work to get results! I was excited to make this home program that integrates strength and HIIT workouts because putting the focus on building strength and not doing too much cardio is how I saw myself gain muscle, lose fat, and get that TONED BODY I had always wanted! And the strength I found in lifting weights has transferred to me feeling overall more confident in myself and my body! And I hope you find that with this program too!

This program is composed of 4 strength training workouts which cover the essential movements in building fat burning muscle on your overall frame! The workouts are split into 2 days working the lower body, 1 day working the upper body, and 1 day doing full body so that there is an overall balance in the muscles that are worked! Follow this consistently for 6 weeks to Lift to Get Fit!

This is an Instant Download product, meaning that you will have the access to the program as soon as you purchase it, meaning you can get started on reaching your fitness goals INSTANTLY!
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What you need:

  • A set of dumbbells (Instead of buying different size dumbbells, I suggest to just get a set of 10 or 15 lbs as this will make it easier for you to progress! I’ll explain how to change from using 1 dumbbell to progressing to using 2 for each workout. The ones I use are from Walmart!)
  • A Yoga Ball
  • Your will to work!

*Note: All these workouts can also just be done with just your bodyweight, but I’d encourage you to push yourself by adding in weights when comfortable as this will help you build more muscle to burn more fat! Let me explain 🙂

The strength training part of this program involves more slower controlled motions that allow you to concentrate on the movement and lift a heavy amount of weight with less risk of injury. This part of the program is challenging you to SWEAT SMARTER by accelerating your heart rate as you push the weights! You will then likely feel the muscle adaptations the following days as your muscles recover and cause soreness. This recovery is what is actively burning calories throughout the day as your body is working to repair the muscles that were worked, where as when just doing cardio you stop burning calories as soon as you stop. This what I mean by Sweating Smarter as this Training Program is focused on making you stronger and more defined instead of just smaller like the focus of cardio tends to be.  These workouts are effective AND efficient! So they shouldn't take you more than 45 minutes to complete!

6 Week Program Includes:

☑ Warm Up & Cardio Guide

☑ Beginner/Intermediate workouts using 1 Dumbbell 

Advanced/Progression workouts using 2 Dumbbells  

☑ Training Log to Track Progress