Macro Tracking: Quesadillas

Had a DELICIOUS chicken quesadilla from a restaurant that didn’t have nutrition information, so instead of stressing about what the calories/macros were I just used the ones for a chicken quesadilla at Taco Bell. My quesadilla looked about the same size as one from TB so I was fine giving these macros: 510 kcal 27P/38C/28F

I opted to add on a ton of chunky salsa instead of guacamole and sour cream (that would have brought the fat grams WAY up) typically half a cup of chunky salsa (typically just chopped tomato, onion, and cilantro) is only 25 kcal 🙌

If you’re somewhere without nutrition info don’t stress! I suggest just looking up a chain restaurant nutrition info for whatever dish you’re getting and use that. It’s NOT perfect but better than nothing if you’re wanting to track the meal. But it’s also good to keep in mind that macros are never exact when eating out anyways so having a bit of flexibility is key to not stressing when eating out 🤗