Macro Friendly French Toast Sticks

You guys…I can’t even handle this one 🤤🤤 I seriously loveee French Toast Sticks! I remember being a little girl and getting them from Burger King 😃 but OH EM GEE those ones are deep fried and not packed with lean protein and healthy fats like these are 😍🙌 macros listed are for 11 sticks🍞and 11 Sticks from BK is  836 kcal 11P/108C/40F 😳

Ingredients: 🍞90g cut white bread (about 5 slices)

🥚80g egg whites

🍳2 whole eggs

🥚4g vanilla protein powder

🥛1 tbsp @drinkorgain protein almond milk

💥Dash of cinnamon

🥜Topped with 1.5 tbsp of Chocolate pb2 drizzle .


🌟Whisk eggs, egg whites, milk, protein powder, and cinnamon in a bowl
🌟Cut bread into stick pieces (extra bread can be saved for croutons 😃)
🌟Bring a nonstick skillet to medium heat 🌟Lightly dunk bread in egg mixture and place on skittle for 3 minutes on each side OR👇
🌟If you have an air fryer (which gives it the real consistency 👏🙌) sear in skillet for 2 minutes each side then pop in the air fryer at 370 degrees for 2 additional minutes

🌟Top with pb drizzle and enjoyyyyyy 🤤🤤🤤

I love topping these with PB drizzle instead of syrup because it saves on so many carb macros! Which leave you more carbs to use on sticks!

I seriously want to make this for breakfast for like the rest of my life 🤣😋🙌❤️