How To Combat The Common Cold


Feeling sick?! 🤧Make sure you’re getting in your protein! .

I realize it’s that time of year when just about EVERYONE seems to get the dreaded winter cold! So I thought I would share some science on why keeping your protein up when you feel a cold coming on (or when you’re sick) is SO important for getting better!

Through my studies at @nasm_fitness I learned that protein needs are actually higher when sick because proteins are what fight bacteria that accumulates when we’re getting sick. So when we’re really fatigued from a cold it’s because our bodies are working extra hard to try to get everything back to normal! So just like we need food as fuel for our workouts & daily lives, we NEED to be providing fuel for our bodies to get better!

Our bodies can create & use the proteins we have in them to fight off bacteria, but if they’re not replenished then it can be a slower process for us to get over a cold! That’s why keeping your protein up when you’re sick is important to getting better!

Carbs need to be adequate too as they provide the best source of energy for our bodies to run properly🥖🍞

If you’re counting macros, I suggest keeping your calories the same but lowering fat grams (which take more energy to digest) & increasing protein & carbs until you feel better🤗

What’s the most common food that’s recommended for getting over a cold? Chicken Noodle Soup! Because it’s packed with protein and carbs while being low in fat! The perfect combo to give our bodies the fuel to get better! .

Some other cold fighting foods:

💪egg white veggie omelette (add bell pepper for a BIG dose of vitamin C!)

💪 protein powder smoothie with berries (packed with antioxidants!)

💪Lean Deli Meat on Toast with mustard(skip Mayo or high fat

💪Protein Powder mixed with Oatmeal

💪Lentils & Rice is a great Vegan option because lentils are packed with protein .

Or create your own combo with any of these lean meats & carbs:

🍗egg whites, chicken breast, lean ground turkey, shrimp, or canned tuna in water

🍞oatmeal, bread, rice, potato, beans, or noodles

Anyone currently feeling sick? 🤒🤧 What meal do you find makes you feel best