Cheesy Zero Carb Breakfast

Zero Carb Breakfast?!πŸ˜±πŸ³πŸ§€

Some questions people may be having:

πŸ₯šIs this keto? Nope. [only 30% fat]

πŸ₯šAre carbs bad? 1000% Nope!!

πŸ₯šIs this a magical fat loss breakfast? Lol… no

πŸ€”So then why am I having a zero carb breakfast? Because it fits my macros πŸ˜ƒ


Ever run out of carb macros but still needed to fit in some protein and fat? Yea, that was me a couple times last week πŸ˜… and egg whites and cheese got me to hit my numbers πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒI’ve previously enjoyed this meal as a macrocap but I’m had it here as breakfast to save most of my carbs for before and after my workout πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

You could almost call this like a macro friendly cheese danish 🀣 the way I wrapped the egg whites around the cheese. The trick is low and slow cooking the egg whites for a few minutes and then adding on the cheese for only a minute. The ultimate trick is to get low fat cheese so that you can have a lot of cheese and feel like you’re being naughty 🀀 I also (of course) topped mine with some 0 kcal chile lime seasoning from Trader Joe’s because it just makes any dish even better πŸ˜‹


Stay Cheesy Friends!