🧀Cheesy🧀 Cauliflower Bread! Only 87 calories per piece! Such a great way to get people to eat some veggies if they normally don’t…like my family 😂😂

🧀Cheesy🧀 Cauliflower Bread! Only 87 calories per piece! Such a great way to get people to eat some veggies if they normally don’t…like my family 😂😂
You guys…I can’t even handle this one 🤤🤤 I seriously loveee French Toast Sticks! I remember being a little girl and getting them from Burger King 😃 but OH EM GEE those ones are deep fried and not packed with lean protein and healthy fats like these are 😍🙌 macros listed are for 11 sticks🍞and 11 Sticks from BK is 836 kcal 11P/108C/40F 😳
Ingredients: 🍞90g cut white bread (about 5 slices)
🥚80g egg whites
🍳2 whole eggs
🥚4g vanilla protein powder
🥛1 tbsp @drinkorgain protein almond milk
💥Dash of cinnamon
🥜Topped with 1.5 tbsp of Chocolate pb2 drizzle .
🌟Top with pb drizzle and enjoyyyyyy 🤤🤤🤤
I love topping these with PB drizzle instead of syrup because it saves on so many carb macros! Which leave you more carbs to use on sticks!
I seriously want to make this for breakfast for like the rest of my life 🤣😋🙌❤️
I get A LOT of inquiries for Macro Calculations from women who are in a healthy weight range and BMI but looking to lose body fat. They are looking for guidance because they believe that to lose body fat they need to lose weight and adjust their nutrition. But after taking a look at their fitness history I typically end up recommending to them that they actually focus more on switching up their training to lose body fat vs going in a calorie deficit. And let me explain why by using the example of myself above:
There’s 10 months between these photos but my weight is the same at 125 lbs. Left/Purple swimsuit pics are from December 2016 and right/coral & striped bottom swimsuit pics are from September 2017. On the left I was doing excessive cardio and low calorie, now I do progressive strength training, minimal cardio, and eat to fuel my body. A change in my training and eating habits caused a total body recomposition for me. I worked hard both physically and mentally for this, and I’m feeling pretty proud.
The left photo is about month after I got my “goal weight” which was 123 lbs. For reference, I’m 5’5, and for me to get to 123 in a short amount of time (I had lost a total of 39 lbs) I was doing spin classes 10 times a week and eating under 1,000 kcal a day, I thought that this was the only way for me to get to my goal weight. I had started my weight loss journey at 162 lbs and was lifting weights, and loved that I was gaining muscle and feeling confident and strong. I was eating about 1,500 calories a day of only clean foods because I thought that it was the only way for me to get to my goal weight. After losing about 25 lbs I had believed that in order for me to continue to get to my goal weight I had to stop strength training, increase cardio, and drastically reduce my calories. I got to my goal weight, but at what cost? I had chased the scale to get to 123 and even lost a few lbs of muscle I had been proud to put on.
I was then at my goal weight but living an unsustainable lifestyle to stay at it. I tried to keep up with the cardio and eating “clean” and low calorie, but would find myself binging on the weekends and then feeling guilty about it and doing more cardio. It was a vicious cycle and during the process (for whatever reason) I took the picture on the left at 125. 10 months later I’m sitting at the same weight but looking very different with the reason being that I’m 3% less in body fat now, and that is due to dropping cardio, incorporating progressive strength training, and eating enough to properly fuel my body.
Through this process I have not only become stronger physically by gaining muscle but mentally by having a better relationship with my body and food. While I use the scale as a measurement, I do not rely on the number for my happiness and self worth.
I’m sharing this to show that there can be a BIG difference between weight loss and fat loss, and how those strategies can actual also benefit your Mental and Social health as well as your physical health!
Weight loss can happen through just eating less than burning. But True FAT LOSS happens with progressive training and eating to fuel the body to run properly so that it can build muscle and burn fat!
My goal hadn’t necessarily been to get back to this weight, but to get stronger and leaner while eating more. I’m sharing this to show that there can be a big difference between weight loss and fat loss. Weight loss can actually happen pretty quickly and simply by depleted muscle stores and losing water weight through detoxs, cleanses, and fasts; but it will quickly come back once calories are reintroduced. And when this happens people can get extremely discouraged because they think they failed at being able to keep the weight they lost off. But the truth is that those methods used are not sustainable for life, so they can set someone up for failure and unrealistic diet expectations.
True fat loss happens with progressive training and eating to the body to run properly so that it can build muscle and burn fat. I should note that I did have to gain some weight (fat and muscle) I got up to 131 lbs, which happened through trying to find balance after my drastic dieting phase by doing a reverse diet and then lean bulk which allowed me to eat more in order to more easily do a mini-cut to lose more body fat and get to this leaner look.
It’s all a process and it can be complicated, but to me it’s worth it. I think it shows that true changes happen with hard work and patience, and that ultimately there are NO quick fixes that lead to LASTING RESULTS!
Here’s some progress photos from clients who have experienced the amazing process of losing body fat without losing a lot of weight! Your body can thrive when it’s balanced and well fed! These women felt discouraged with the scale but amazed with their fat loss and body composition results!
Looking for guidance in reaching your fitness goals? Contact me below and tell me about your goals! Let’s work together to build a body you love!
Left is from April 11th, 2017 and right is May 13th, 2017 4 weeks apart with a 4 lb and 450 calorie difference…what’s the best part? That I increased my calories AND went down in weight 👏💪👍 Left 131 lbs eating 1350 calories and right 127 lbs eating 1800 calories
Building lean muscle with my reverse diet has been my main goal, but ummm also me wanting to be able to eat a lot more without gaining weight has been an amazing goal I’ve been tackling!! The pictures may not look too different but the way I feel and my strength in the gym has been amazing! Being able to eat more has been awwesomeeeee because 1) I’m SUCH a foodie just give me all the foods!!!! 😛😛 and 2) more food with more carbs has given me so much more energy to put into my workouts to build more lean muscle! I’ve cut back on HIIT cardio to once every 1-2 weeks depending on my body’s reaction to more calories, but I know that putting in the work to build more muscle is what’s going to get me leaner than cardio ever will 💪👌🙌
The 3rd reason that adding in calories has been great is that I am feeling less stressed about going out to eat wth friends and family m. Having more calories to play with definitely allows for more flexibility and this keeps me soooo happy ❤️
Knowing that I can have fun foods 🍟🍔🍩🍰🍺🍷, incorporated with my healthy and nutrient dense foods 🍊🍌🍓🥝🥑🥒🥔🍳🍞, and I WILL NOT gain weight as long as I stay within my macronutrient goals has been mind blowing!! This balance with my nutrition has been such an amazing breath of fresh air compared with all of the other fad diets that just aren’t sustainable.
If you count macros and haven’t changed them in a while I encourage you to play with them! I was SO nervous about gaining weight so I started off slow by adding in an extra 5-10g of carbs every 2 weeks, at first I went up a pound because my body was holding on to more water from the extra carbs. But after a week or so the scale started to go down so then I got more aggressive with adding in more calories and carbs 🙌🙌🙌 Because like really who doesn’t want to eat more food?!
Made these yummy macro friendly peanut butter cups and everyone who has tried them said they’re better than Reese’s 😱AND they have 35 fewer calories compared to a Reese’s cup🙌👌what’s the macro secret? Using peanut butter powder instead of regular peanut butter saves on carbs and fat 👌
I used a package of Ghirardelli dark chocolate and 6 tbsp of Betty Lous Inc Protein peanut butter powder to make the traditional looking PB cups. I melted the chocolate and placed in cupcake paper molds and then added on some peanut butter powder that was mixed with water to give the pb consistency.
For the swirly peanut butter cups I used @ghirardelli white chocolate melting wafers and 6 tbsp of @bellplantation chocolate PB2 and placed them in the molds and swirled it with a toothpick. I like the swirly ones best 😋
Obsesseddddd with these Sun Dried Tomato & Spinach Egg White Bites 🤤🤤🤤You guys, the sun dried tomatoes from @tantillofoods add such an amazing flavor that I didn’t even add any additional salt and pepper (which I pretty much add to EVERYTHING!) .
The whole plate was only 345 kcal with 51P/25C/0F 👏👌 so I enjoyed this whole plate 😋😋😋😋😋😋 I love having zero/low fat breakfasts with high protein and veggies like this one on days that I have a big dinner planned, (like when I made these I was attending a special 4 course dinner with a friend that night) 🤗 but why do I like to start my days like this when I have big dinners in the evening? Because it allows me to save a big chunk of my fats and carbs for later in the day, while having the high protein and veggies in the morning which will help keep me full so that I don’t feel like I’m starving all day in order to enjoy a dinner out. This is what I like to call my macro balance ⚖️ keeping my breakfast and lunch light in calories but high in volume so that I’m able to enjoy my dinner without completely overdoing it on my macros and calories for the day 👌
•Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees •Sauté 2 large handfuls of spinach leaves or microwave for 30 seconds of until wilted
•Measure out 515g of egg whites (about 2 cups) and pour into nonstick sprayed cupcake tins making each mold a little more than half full
•Add in wilted spinach leaves and sun dried tomatoes (tip: add in whatever other kind of veggies you like 😉)
•Bake for 12 minutes
•Pull out knowing tips will still be a little wet and let set for 10 minutes. The eggs will cook through without drying out.
•Enjoy 😍
Start and end your workout with 5 minutes each on any cardio machine (treadmill, elliptical, bike, stair master, etc.) then perform these 3 exercises and you’ll have a quick full body workout done in 30 minutes!
Row to Squat
(working quads, glutes, and lats)
-Set up cable machine to the height of your chest
-Use a handle or rope attachment that you can easily grab and pull to your body in a rowing motion
-Set the weight you intend to use, grab the handles, and step back so that your arms are fully extended
-As you pull your arms back and squeeze your shoulder blades together (This is a back exercise)
-As you start to extend your arms lower your body into your squat
-When you come back up from your squat, pull your arms back again, this time squeeze your back AND your glutes
-Repeat for 12 reps for 4 sets
Sumo Squat to Shoulder Press
(working quads, glutes, and shoulders)
-Hold a dumbbell or barbell with both hands close to chest
-Stand at a wide stance with feet turned out
-Perform sumo squat
-When coming up from the squat squeeze glutes at top of squat
-Push weight straight up and lower it back to your chest
-Repeat for 12 reps for 4 sets
Bent Over Bicep Curl to Tricep Extension
(working biceps and triceps but bent over to have some tension on hamstrings and practice stabilizing the core)
-Grab 2 dumbbells that you can curl and extend
-Bend knees and hips but keep back flat and core tight, you want everything stable so that just your arms are working
-Start by curling dumbbells up to shoulders to work the biceps
-Next extend arms straight to work the triceps
-Repeat for 12 reps for 4 sets