3 Reasons to Rest

Do you ever feel like you’re not taking your fitness seriously enough unless you’re going ALL OUT everyday? 

Or that missing a workout makes you a slacker or a failure? 

I asked the poll in my stories “Do you ever struggle with Rest?” and 90% of you said you did!

And as someone who used to go to workout EVERYDAY and sometimes TWICE a day…I totally get it. BUT I can tell you that our bodies NEED rest to THRIVE! Here’s 3 reasons why!

1.You Rebuild Through Rest

While we put in the effort in the gym, it’s actually the recovery process of food and rest that is improving our physiques! 

In the gym we are working the muscle and actually tearing it down (I know it sounds gross right?) But when we are out of the gym, we eat to give our bodies fuel to rebuild the torn muscle cells and when we rest/sleep the body can REALLY focus on healing those cells! This results in stronger muscles which helps with speeding up the metabolism for fat loss which will aid in a more lean and toned look!

2. There’s More to Life than Working Out

Have you ever missed an event because you didn’t want to miss a workout? This can be a problem with feeling the need to be at the gym everyday 1-2 hours a day, as it doesn’t give wiggle room for days you’re busy or exhausted. 

I personally now stick to working out 4 days a week and LOVE it because it allows me to make up a workout the following day if necessary because some days I need rest or have extra work or have events with family and friends. It’s important to remember the other responsibilities and joy (work, friends, family, self care) that give our life purpose and happiness. And if we neglect those just for the sake of a workout…this can make our overall health feel imbalanced.

3. Avoiding Rest will lead to Burnout or Injury

If you’re constantly grinding your body into the ground then burnout or injury is bound to happen! Muscles will continue to tear and get brittle without proper nutrients and rest to heal them! 

And if you get in maybe a short term habit of working out everyday and then something comes up and you have to miss a workout, you may feel like you’ve “failed” and get in a funk to skip more days, weeks, months.

So what’s a healthy amount of exercise?

Whatever’s truly sustainable for YOU! 2-5 days doing actual workouts and then having a step goal of at least 5K, is I think a sustainable approach that anyone can start at! And don’t think that 5 days working out is better than 2 if you can really only stick with 2! Our bodies thrive on balance and consistency! 

So start with what you can and then build from there! If you want results that last, you need to find a routine that lasts! And I can tell you that the person who workouts consistently twice a week and gets their steps in for LIFE, will likely be more healthy and fit than the person who workouts out 6 days a week for 2 weeks and then takes off 3 months.

Side Note to those who may be on an extended rest from Surgery or Accident:

GIVE YOUR BODY GRACE! Do not beat your body up for needing to heal based on circumstances you likely can’t control! You have to remember the big picture of life and that giving your body the rest and calories it needs to heal, will benefit you in the future to rebuild! 

Life isn’t fair and it isn’t easy, but our journey’s to our healthier and best selves will ALWAYS be worth it 🙂 

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Struggling to meet your fitness goals and want guidance with macros/nutrition and/or personal training from me, a Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist? Check out my coaching services which range from me just setting up macros and training programs to macros with meal ideas to more in-depth one-on-one coaching that involves weekly check-ins with optional phone calls.

*This post was created by Ashley Cates who is not a Registered Dietician or a Medical Professional, nothing said should be taken as medical advice or replace any advice given by a Physician. This information does not in any way intend to diagnose or treat any health condition/disorder. The information provided is based on Ashley’s education and experience.